Lisa graduated from the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy and through her practicum and work experience has had experience with various autoimmune disorders, nerve entrapments, and stress related injuries. This has helped her gain a deep understanding of the body’s own ability to create balance within itself and maintain function. She is constantly inspired and moved by what the body is capable of and is in constant pursuit of integrating body and mind.
“My intention with old and new clients is always to help develop an understanding and awareness between functional and problematic body movements. I utilize evidence-based techniques with a holistic framework to create an individualized treatment plan that is based on client goals and abilities.”
“I believe in starting where you are and moving forward with sustainable progressions”
Lisa is a fitness and mindfulness enthusiast and enjoys incorporating the latest research and techniques into her practice and daily life. She has a background in cycling, competitive climbing, yoga, and meditation.