As a graduate of Hamilton’s prestigious Canadian Academy of Osteopathy, Michael spent four years earning his Master of Practice Diploma in Osteopathic Manipulative sciences (M.OMSc), and is currently a member of OsteopathyBC. An extensive and comprehensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology is the cornerstone to his application of osteopathic principles and treatments for clients.
Having suffered an array of injuries and trauma to his body over the years, including a broken back, hernia and multiple concussions and surgeries, Michael’s journey of recovery back to health was marked by many setbacks. It was on this journey that he was introduced to Osteopathy as a modality for full body healing, and its potential for affecting the body’s ability to heal and restore itself from injuries. Once his body had been properly realigned and given the chance to reset and heal, the progress was remarkable. Literally transformed by his experience, the decision was made to pursue Osteopathy as a career.
Drawing from his life experiences, Michael has a deep rooted sense of empathy towards those living in pain and discomfort, and seeks to help others on their road to rehabilitation. As an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, Michael works as a facilitator to help unlock the body’s amazing capacity to heal and regulate itself, and fully believes in the connection between mind, heart and body.
Place of Education: Canadian Academy of Osteopathy
Additional Training/Techniques: Myofascial Manipulation, Visceral/Digestive modulation, Migraine Relief
Professional Interests: Elimination of Painful Stimulus, Structural Realignments, Injury Rehabilitation, Constitutional Reinvigoration